Parent Service and Fundraising Requirement
Please remember to submit your completed Volunteer Service Hours Slips to the school office as soon as you complete them.
You may download the VSH slip using the “Parents” tab. (download)
Also, it is encouraged that you periodically review the service hours posted to your account by logging into Schoolspeak.
Required Annual Family hours : 25 Hours (Single Parent :12 hours)
Email Rachel Pieriotti if you have questions:
Family Service Hours FAQs
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10
What are the requirements?
As per the HNM School Handbook, each HNM family is required to complete a total of 25 service hours per school
year. Single parent families are required to complete 12 hours total. All school families are required to contribute a
minimum of 5 hours to our HNM Festival weekend, held in the Spring.
Unless stated otherwise, hours are earned as one hour per hour served. Occasionally hours are offered for donated
items, which will be specified on the sign up. At the end of the school year, families will be charged $20 for each
hour not served. Penalties can include an additional charge of $50 per festival service hour not completed.
*** In this school year, a judgment will be made at the end of the third trimester as to whether you have fulfilled the service
requirements of your agreement. If you have not, additional fees may be applied, and a scheduled one-on-one meeting with the
principal to discuss your service commitment at HNM. We do not want your money, we want your time and involvement in your
child's school. Please make every effort to fulfill your festival service hours.
Who can earn hours?
Any person who is part of the family of a child in this school may earn Family Service Hours. This includes mothers,
fathers, step-parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws, cousins, brothers, or sisters. All participants must be 18
years of age or older.
See the School Handbook for specific volunteer requirements. (Fingerprinting, VIRTUS, etc.)
How can I earn hours?
Below is a list of some ways you can earn service hours, but there are always opportunities available. Don’t hesitate
to reach out to your teachers or room parents to get more ideas! Volunteer at HNM’s annual Family Festival – each family is required to serve a minimum of 5 hours. Chairing a
Festival booth will fulfill all of your service hours for the school year. Fulfill a school leadership position – those serving as a Room Parent, Mentor Family, PTG Officer, School Board
Member, Booster Club Officer, Committee Chair, HNM Scout Leader, or HNM Sports Team Coach will earn 20
service hours for the school year. Volunteer in the classroom, as approved by the teacher Chaperone school field trips Attend the quarterly general PTG meetings (1 hr. per family per mtg.) Serve on a committee for a school social, fundraising, or holiday event Take home projects, laundry, etc. as assigned by your child’s teacher Volunteer at your child’s class donut fellowship
Serve in our parish as a Eucharistic Minister, Greeter, Usher, Lector, Faith Formation Leader, etc. Any service to
HNM parish is service to HNM school! VBS volunteers can earn up to 5 hours per school year.
*Generally, items donated for Double Bag Lunch (DBL) or class parties do not count for service hours.
How do I record my hours?
Hours slips are available in the HNM school office and on the school website. These should be completed and
signed by the teacher or staff member responsible for the activity or event, then returned to the office. Hours are
updated in SchoolSpeak on a monthly basis.