Holy Name of Mary School
ISL (Improving Student Learning) WASC/WCEA Accreditation
5 Critical Goals That Came Out of 2022 Self Study
● The shutdown of public worship during the global pandemic has had lingering effects on
liturgical in-person attendance. In order to bring students and families back to in-person
liturgies, new methods to invite and motivate active faith participation are needed.
● There is a need, especially post-pandemic, to effectively look at data to determine how to
continue to differentiate instruction and measure the efficacy of teaching through a wide
range of activities, styles, and opportunities in order to foster student-centered
engagement and meet the needs of all students.
● There is a continual need to investigate, research, and develop programs that support
current STEAM methodologies of learning through inquiry-based thought processes and
critical thinking.
● There is a need to analyze, develop, and monitor the authenticity of student achievement
of the SLEs as a whole across the grade levels and also to investigate whether research
supports additional methods for demonstrating mastery of the school’s mission,
academic goals, and beliefs, such as implementing the NSBECS.
● To continue to keep current high enrollment numbers, and maintain a viable waitlist,
HNM school feels the need to enhance the Marketing and Development Committee, thus
ensuring sustainability.
With those goals in mind, we have already started both brainstorming and taking actual concrete steps towards achieving our accreditation goals.
● Our school’s Catholic Identity Committee is developing ideas that will bring our families
closer together through liturgy. Service hours for parish service, Mass on the Grass, 1st Saturday 5:00pm School Masses, etc.
● All throughout the year, we will look at how to continue to differentiate instruction in the
classrooms, and give teachers the supports you need in order to foster student-centered
engagement and meet the needs of all students.
● We are developing programs to support current STEAM methodologies of learning- and
that includes the construction of our HNM Idea Lab! It is a lab that, with proper support, will
become a true 21st century creative and collaborative working space.
● Teachers will be getting to know the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary & Secondary Schools (NSBECS), including focus on academic growth,
religious formation, social/emotional development, and overall school sustainability, in a
deeper way this coming school year, starting with an overview at our inservice and further
investigation at faculty meetings.
● We have already begun the process of revamping our social media in order to meet our
marketing and development goals. We have also started a dedicated committee.