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Core Beliefs

Updated on Feb 18, 2021 01:08 PM by Lloyd, Karen
At Holy Trinity School We Believe...
1. Our faith is at the center of all that we do and children must be given the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God and in living out their faith through action and service. Our primary mission is to form saints.
2. Each person has intrinsic value and worth as a child of God and deserves to feel safe and respected
3. Each person is a unique individual with different needs and gifts. We have a responsibility to share our gifts with others.
4. All children are capable of successfully learning and therefore they must all be provided with equal access and held to high standards.
5. Learning takes place both inside and outside of the classroom. Students must learn “how to think” so that they can apply what they have learned to be college and career ready.  
6. Teachers must provide data driven instruction employing multiple modalities that actively engage all learners and provide necessary support for all students to be successful  
7. Love and encouragement motivate more than fear and coercion.
8. Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.  
9. Teaching is a vocation and ministry, not a job that ends at 3pm. We are inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and we answer His call to be teachers following His example.

  1. 10. Effective teaching is the most important factor that contributes to student achievement. It is the educator--teacher, administrator, pastor--who is preeminent in creating the unique climate in which a Catholic philosophy of education can be realized.

  2. 11. Parents are crucial partners in children’s learning and children learn best when there is respectful collaboration between the home and the school.