Mission Statement

Holy Trinity School is a Catholic educational community of excellence. Inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, and called to follow his example, we are dedicated to the spiritual, academic, and social development of our students, forming “saints and scholars.”


Holy Trinity Schoolembodies the teachings, values and beliefsof the Catholic Church. We live our missionby providing a compassionate, nurturing environment in which students developa solid moral character, realize their fullestpotential and sharetheir gifts with others.This is done through spiritualformation and participation in liturgical activities. All that we do is rootedin love, the teachings of Jesus Christand prayer.

Holy Trinity Schoolrecognizes parents as the primaryeducators of their children. In partnership with them and the larger Holy Trinity Parish community, the faculty and staff endeavor to develop all students’ spiritual, academic, social, emotional, and physical potential. Students emerge from Holy TrinitySchool as both saints and scholars - well prepared for their futureas Catholic leaderswho are Active Christians, DiligentLearners, Responsible Citizens, Effective Communicators and Creative Problem Solvers.

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Holy Trinity School (Grades TK - 8)  
3716 Boyce Ave. Los Angeles 90039 323-663-2064 

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